VLC 3.0.21 marked as malware

official VLC 3.0.21 64bit is marked as malware by Avast. It is FP?


Given the category given by Avast ‘FileRepMalware [Misc]’ it isn’t very clear cut. I’m not sure if this would be considered malicious or the detection would have been clearer.

New location to report both a False Positive and or a False Negative - https://www.avast.com/submit-a-sample#pc

It could be the download or an earlier internal malcode.
Re: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/9742689a50e96ddc04d80ceff046b28da2beefd617be18166f8c5e715ec60c59/behavior

Importantly, was there abuse from the download IP? Akamai’s?

Also coming from your internal network is a possibility: https://www.abuseipdb.com/check/
