VMware player uses 100% CPU if avast free antivirus 2016.11.1.2253 installed

If avast free antivirus 2016.11.1.2253 installed to HOST PC, vmware-vmx.exe uses 100% CPU on HOST PC.
Unable to operate HOST PC.

The problem does not happens on 2016.11.1.2245.

Windows7 Home Premium 64bit Sp1
VMware player 7.1.3 or 12.1.0
Ubuntu14.04LTS 64bit or Windows10IP 64bit

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. Install avast free antivirus 2016.11.1.2253 to HOST PC.
  2. Install VMware player 7.1.3 or 12.1.0 to HOST PC.
  3. Install Ubuntu14.04LTS 64bit to VM. or Open VM.

Actual Results:
vmware-vmx.exe uses 100% CPU.
VM become super slow.

Exoected Results
Not so high CPU usgae.

Again, the problem does not happens on 2016.11.1.2245.
So problem is 2016.11.1.2253.

Uninstall 2016.11.1.2253 with avastclear2016.11.1.2253.exe, and Reinstalling 2016.11.1.2253 does not fix the problem,

Reinstalling 2016.11.1.2245 fixes the problem.

This is caused by enabling nested virtualization in the latest avast. We tested it with vmware workstation 12.x and it worked well, but maybe vmware player uses different core (?). We’ll disable this feature (with using emergency update) until we’ll find out what’s going on.

Thanks for the quick response.

I will try again later.

Well, at the moment my Avast version is 11.1.2245. VMware is 6.2.
Should I wait with an Avast Update until you solved this problem?

You can upgrade and then disable “Enable hadrware-assisted virtualization” in Settings (Troubleshooting). I don’t know if patch was already released – so it’s better to disable this option. Thanks.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Exactly the same issue with latest VMware Pro 12.1.0 and Windows 10 x64 (fully updated).

All 8 threads on my 4790k are at 95% load and Windows (any guest version) becomes completely unusable or locks up while the CPU remains fully loaded. I can recreate this on my desktop and laptop.

The previous version was perfect. Surprised Avast was the cause of this issue.

Disabling “Enable hadrware-assisted virtualization” on both machines fixes the issue immediately.