VPN and Avast AntiTrack

I purchased both yesterday, but they cannot run together? Is that right? Please inform.

Thank you!

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When I installed the VPN it automatically logged me out of the AntiTrack and it no longer showing up on my browser. However, I reinstalled it and it is no longer showing up in my browser. The only things that show up in my browser is Avast Passwords, Security and Privacy and that is all not the Avast AntiTrack like it originally did prior to me installing the VPN.

Please inform.

Thank you.

  • Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premier)
  • Which version…?
  • Which version of ASL…?
  • Which version of AAT…?
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)

Avast premium

I don’t know where to find the version. I just purchased the Avast AntiTracker, and Avast Secure Line yesterday. My computer is 64 bit. And I am running on Windows 10. Also, I am using the GoogleChrome Avast Browser. What does SP/Build mean. Can you enlighten me?

Hmmm, probably best to contact support: https://support.avast.com/contact

On your Anti-Track Interface. There should be a panel there on the left saying Browser. I think you may have to re-install it on the browser side? or check to see your browser extensions if it has been disabled for some reason.