VPN causes Outlook send error

Hi, after baffling Telstra/Bigpond for the past few days about why Outlook is unable to send any e-mails, I noticed something. The Wifi icon on the taskbar looked like an ethernet connection all of a sudden. On closer inspection, when I hover the cursor over the icon it read “Unidentified network”. Does anyone know how to change this?

It has only started happening this week and I’ve had no issues prior. By the way I’ve now signed up to Telstra’s “Platinum” support for 12 months as $10 a month, and half solving the issue on my own.

I really don’t want to keep turning the VPN on and off to send e-mails, so I’d appreciate it if someone could point me to what setting I need to change so that Outlook isn’t confused at which network/internet connection it is looking at.

Thank you

Hi Paul,

I posted this message to this forum, and received the following reply:
“I have been keeping the VPN active from boot-up. However, I noticed that Outlook will not finish opening, unless I stop / turn off the VPN. As soon as it is off, Outlook opens.”

This is a known issue and Avast is working on it.

I hope that when they fix this, it will help with the other company you mentioned.

When will Avast cure the problem with MS Outlook Error not sending emails and how will we be notified?