Is it normal, that when the VPN Secure Connection is turned on, and I reboot my computer, it will be turned off?
Unlike the so-called Windows Fast Boot, a restart will completely remove all data in system memory, turn off and reset all components on the motherboard, including the cpu and device drive(s).
This would mean all settings which Windows was running will disappear and only services and programs set to start up with Windows will run on restart of Windows.
A Fast Boot tho, does things differently.
[ol]- All data and settings are written down in what is called a hibernation file on the system drive. The system turns off.
- On boot Windows retrieves all data from the last session and repopulates services and data in system memory[/ol]
So yes, since the VPN Secure Connection is not a start up feature, but an optional one, on restart it will not run until you tell it to.
On Fast Boot tho, it will run on startup since all data was retrieved from the hibernation file. What Fast Boot does is speed up the startup time significantly vs. a normal startup without use of a hibernation file. A normal boot will always be slower.
It is a Windows setting where you can choose one feature or the other:
[ol]- Fast Boot
- Normal Windows Boot[/ol]
You’re welcome.