VPN will not connect

I am new at this.

My VPN is not connecting and says my sub has expired. However when I go to my online account my sub is showing active until next Jan. I purchased a one year sub on Jan 5th of this year. I clicked to have my license re sent but nothing comes to my E-mail in box. I also downloaded my license but it will not install. >:(

If you are not using the “stand alone” version, but are using Secureline as part of Avast installation you could try a “repair” of the installation
This has helped some users in the past:

REPAIR and RESET Avast Installation


Also I will add, there are dozens and dozens of other posts in this Sub Forum referring to ‘connection issues’. Maybe review some of those user experiences as well in you effort to resolve your own issue :slight_smile:

The repair option worked. :slight_smile: Thanks schmidthouse.

You’re welcome bfksmith :slight_smile:

When my Trial VPN expired, I bought a two-year Security Line for my MacBook. I have never been able to connect to it, for the trial-program icon and window will not go away and will not let me connect to the purchased VPN. Does the VPN not work with the Free Antivirus program I am also using? Avast has been very tardy to reply to my requests for support, always claiming to be overly busy. Their replies were not able to resolve my problem. Finally, I have asked for a refund. You guessed it: no reply. I hope that Avast reads the postings on this Forum page. Please advise.

Thank you.

Hi saheiblim:

Just some information. :slight_smile:
Firstly I see you said Mac Book and there is a specific Secureline for MAC forum here: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=81.0

Also if you would post your ticket number here that could help.
Response/Resolution for Refunds can take 7-10 (Business) days
Also, submitting another ticket or amending an existing ticket will further delay the process.