Please correct the VPS file.
Like the 403-6, the 403-8 is a false alarm again!!!
I want my 403-7 VPS back again…
This is becoming a mess
Which one??? AutoIt??? Can you please send me the file?
I’m sending them
I cannot use my XP system… Is there any way to go back into a VPS update?
I’m sending them
I cannot use my XP system… Is there any way to go back into a VPS update?
I’ll take care of them - next update will be definitely FP free (it is a pity we did not receive them from you in the first accident, as we test all known FPs routinely and after removing Win32:Autoit FP they fall back into Trojen-gens)…
I can send you the older VPS but I am not sure if it will be updated automatically or not. There is much simpler way however - can’t you just put all your autoit files into exceptions?
There is much simpler way however - can’t you just put all your autoit files into exceptions?
I’ll do that… It’s the only solution right now :-\
Hi Technical,
new update is out right now - so I hope your FPs are finally and definitely solved right now
Hi Technical,
new update is out right now - so I hope your FPs are finally and definitely solved right now
Thanks Pavel… I’m not on my XP right now… Tomorrow I’ll let you know.
Thanks in advance (as I always trust in you guys!)