VPS History?

Did something happen to the VPS History page? VPS 0427-2, 04.07.2004 is the newest VPS listed. http://www.avast.com/eng/viruses/vps_history.html

Server prob? Just curious. :wink:

Avast is update at VPS 0427-2, 04.07.2004 in this page ;D

Hmm, it must be a server problem… I remember there was a newer history online already ???

Ok, I try to check every morning and saw it was a bit behind. No worries!

Thanks guys! :slight_smile:

EDIT: It’s fixed! Thanks again!

Actually is 0430-2 of 21th of July.
Certainly is not that one… Maybe the page was not updated…

I think it was there correctly updated all the time ?? (I checked it on 21st after the last update and it was ok). Maybe it was some cache problem between our servers and your computer? I really do not know, but I am glad it works for you now :smiley:


I had the same problem Pavel, just the day before the page had the correct dates and it was fine after it has been fixed.
So, I think it’s just a server problem. :wink:

Actually I fixed it. It was a server problem, really…

There are heaps of Virus’s in the updates, and here I thought there was only like 10 due to the small and fast downloads