VPS Update impossible

Good morning,

Since few days, I try to update VPS. But the update not run because of KERNELL32.dll problem. ???

Could you telle me how update VPS ?

Try a manual update. Download this .exe and run it: http://files.avast.com/iavs4pro/vpsupd.exe

kernell32.dll or kernel32.exe? Make sure you spelt the name right, cause it can make a lof of difference.

In fact in both case, manually and automatic the update is impossible.

i found what is marking whrn I try to update with current VPC,

manually :

Can’t install VPS update, report following error codes :
Ver : 4.5.549
SI : 0x00000005
LE : 0X00000000

Automatic :

Avast provoked an error in KERNELL32.dll
The Avast program is going to be now arrested.

What can I do ?

Is that the version you are using? Why don’t you update to 4.6.691?

I already tried but the answer is the same as I try to update VPS !!
The better would not be to desinstall Avast and reinstall it, no ?

Well, since nothing else works, I would say yes.
Follow these steps: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=16412.from1126698928;topicseen#msg139052


Following last discussion, I uninstall avast and reinstall it. So, now i can’t do it. The message is “Kenel32.dll has provoked an error…”
So what can I do ?