When Firefox (my default browser) is started by clicking on the VPS update notification popup’s “More details >>”, Script Shield will show no activity. Close Firefox, restart it normally and Script Shield will start showing activity in the AvastUI.
This is completely repeatable for me. After the above incident, close Firefox again, recall the above popup again by right-clicking on the Avast tray icon and selecting “Show last popup message”. Click on “More details >>” to reload Firefox. Script Shield’s count will no longer increment in the AvastUI, as it’s inactive for Firefox again.
If Firefox is already open, clicking on “More details >>” in the popup opens a tab in Firefox but does not stop Script Shield. In fact, that update page incremented the Script Shield count.
I used this forum for the tests, as it normally shows Script Shield activity.
Edit: Has anyone tested this? Is anyone able to reproduce the effect of starting their default browser (hopefully Firefox) from the Avast VPS update notification popup, and then checking if Script Shield is working during that browser session?
Will anyone test this and verify whether they are seeing the same thing with the Script Shield? This may not only affect Firefox. It is likely linked to the user’s default browser, which is the one launched via the Avast VPS notification popup. The test only takes a little time and doesn’t require any configuration changes. It does however require that the default browser be closed for the testing, and that the VPS popup be available. Monitor the Script Shield count in AvastUI Real-Time Shields.
Perhaps this means that only non MS browsers are affected. Since IE is so tightly integrated to the OS, the Script Shield is always monitoring?? The Avast devs would have to answer that.
Same here. Clicked on the VPS pop-up and script shield stopped scanning even though avast says script shield “running”. ???
My guess is it will be corrected with next update. I’d think that maybe through a streaming update. ???
Thanks for the verification. It’s consistently repeatable. I also checked if starting my default browser Firefox from other external links would stop Script Shield, but it doesn’t. A couple of programs I have installed use the browser to check for program updates via a menu item (opening a link); ClamWin and EditPadLite. Also opening a link in a message from my email client loads Firefox.
As you say, hopefully the next program update will fix this.
I haven’t the slightest idea (though XP seems to feature in those with zero activity), but even outside of browsing there is still zero activity, it used to be that I could fire up windows media player and provoke some activity, even that doesn’t see any activity.
Personally I’m not that concerned about it as I have scripts pretty well covered on-line with firefox with NoScript and RequestPolicy add-ons.
Before someone jumps on the extensions NoScript and RequestPolicy, I’m using them too. Normally, Script Shield works in Firefox for me. I haven’t checked with Media Player, as I use it rarely. However, Windows Update shows a lot of Script Shield activity for IE.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the VPS update notification popup to verify this right now, not even to recall it with a right click. The next VPS update that I am logged on, I’ll check to see if it disables Script Shield for that session. Thanks for the feedback.
I do know that I was able to duplicate the issue this morning on the 120318-0 VPS update notification.
Starting Firefox (default browser) from the monthly security reports popup also stopped Script Shield from working for that Firefox session. Exact same situation as the VPS update notification popup.