VPS-Update on Netclient doesnt work

On a W2k-Server we have installed the avast! Server edition and the ADNM.
On some W2k-Clients and Win XP SP2 Client we have the Netclient installed.
But on some Win XP SP2 Clients the VPS-Updatedoesnt work.

See the Attachment (Log and Screenshot).

Can you please tell us a bit more about your network?
Especially the proxy servers you use?

The 20000005 error code means “proxy authorization required”. Do you have proxy settings set up for the clients?


that means, that the clients go in the internet for the Updates?
But not all the clienst have internet access.
i think with the adnm its possible that the clients go to the avast server for the updates. Is that wrong?

I’m not saying that. I was just asking if you’re using a proxy server to access the internet, and if you haven’t, by any chance, configured the proxy server details in ADNM?

If you have a proxy server specified in IE, I’d recommend setting the proxy server settings on the computer group to “Direct Connection” (as opposed to the default “Autodetect”) as otherwise, Avast would try to access the local mirror via proxy which may not work.

Please post a file \setup\setup.log from machine WS-DILPIE to find out what’s going on, exactly.


Ok, here is the setup.log file.
I have a question about the internet-update-service, is this special-port for the proxy?

(I must delete a ew entrys because your upload-limit is 200kb)

OK, appearently, you have set up a proxy server in the ADNM console.
Please switch it to “Direct connection and see if it helps”.


Thanks for the fast solution!
Sorry for my latetly answer, but i’m out of office and today back.
We have changed the Proxy-Properties and the first look is; it works.
But we will still testing the new properties for two days.

we have another little problem with one computer.
in the results of the “discovery-task” “find computers”, this computer with the name adxp will not be showing.
but with the dns-lookup, the computer will be probertly showing with the correct ip-adress.
Have also a good solutions.

After two days testing, the problem is still present. when we change the properties all clients was after 30 to 60 Min up to date, but now after two days, on the Server who has the ADNM installed the VPS is up to date, but clients have still the an old version.
Have you any idee?


Two things to try:

  • is the mirror up-to-date?
    Run mirror.exe from the \mirror directory to find out

  • are the agents configured to auto-update? Because from the setup.log you sent, I don’t see any entries newer than October 17th… Please see the Updating page in the properties of a Computer Catalog group.


Thanks for your fast answer.

The agent are configured to auto-update.

Here a Screenshot from the Mirror ist maybe this the problem?
we have the astaro security gateway with http proxy enabled.
The user need authetication for the web.

OK, makes sense. Unlike the individual agents (who get the updates locally over LAN), the mirror needs the proxy server settings to be filled in.

To set them, please go to Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs → Avast! Management Tools → Change/Remove, and click the Proxy settings button. Set up the proxy server, and finally rerun mirror.exe.

That should finally do the trick.


A very interessting question is.
On some workstations and serves the vps-update works everytime only on some workstations it doesnt work (see in the forum).

After your first solutions on Monday the 17. when we changed the properties, the update works on all the machines.
But only in this time and now the update doesnt work on all the machine.
Why that?

It’s realy a very interessting question?

What going wrong?


Have you tried what I just said in my previous post?
It’s quite clear that the clients cannot update now because the mirror is not in sync (because it cannot go out since the proxy settings are incorrect).

Changing the proxy server settings ON THE SERVER (i.e. for the mirror) should do the trick.

We are now a bit closer the the solutions for our problem.
yesterday the costumer make a reboot from the server and after the reboot the update from the netclients beginn.
today the clients wasn’t uptodate just 12.00, then the costumer make a reboot from the server and then the netclients comes uptodate?

have you a idee what tis is?

So you rebooted the clients or the managed server?

There was one avast update today - did the clients get it?
Let’s wait till the next update. I’d say it’s going to work (if you have set it up as I said).


the managed server was rebootet.

on monday i go to the customer to take a look from zhe properties.

have you another tip for me?

the managed server was rebootet.

in the attachment you will see a interessting error code from the Event Viewer.

what meens that?


Well if the virus database has been updated - then there’s no problem, right?

Now after 3 days we have the followin result.
Monday the the netclients was up to date.
Yesterday the netclient doesn’t up to date?
The auto update on the managed server works very well.

Have you any idee?

Thanks a lot.

So… you’re saying that the mirror IS up-to-date but the clients are not getting the updates??