The title pretty much describes my problem exactly. I never had this problem with Avast before upgrading to the latest version, now I have been unable to get rid of it, despite various reinstalls and repairs. The about box shows the correct VPS version but there is no entry in either the logfile or the event log, with the exception of the very first (automatic) update, which is logged correctly. Furthermore, when I installed the program, the event log file which is supposed to be “c:\windows\system32\config\antivirus.evt” had its name truncated to antiviru.evt. I had to manually change to references to it in the registry in order for event viewer to see the file, as the registry references all pointed to antivirus.evt. The event viewer logs updates to the VRDB correctly, but manual updates to the VPS are not logged at all, anywhere, despite the fact that it is clear that they are being updated, as the version in the about box is changing and there is no error message of any kind.
I am looking at “Program run” in the default logfile, the one available from “avast! Log viewer”. Originally, I had the log file set to “notice” level. I have since set it to “info” level. The log file viewer appears to work correctly - starting a scan results in lots of entries in the logfile und “info” (and no error messages). Nothing happens to the event log, but if I manually invoke a VRDB update, it appears correctly in both logs. It’s just the VPS updates that appear nowhere, even though the version change appears in the about box.
There is indeed something about the last VPS update there. But why isn’t it showing up on “notices” or in the event log? The first update did. Do manual updates normally appear only in the setup log, as opposed to automatic updates?
The message "Library Setiface.dll was successfully updated. " has just appeared under antivirus in the event log and twice under “info” in the log viewer, so something is definitely being logged. I just want to know why manual updates are not there.
Thanks, I will have to wait till tomorrow to see if the next VPS update is logged or not. Is there any definitive documentation on what is actually supposed to be logged? It would be nice if Alwil software had a “knowledge base” like Microsoft’s so one could look up these things.
EDIT: The automatic VPS update is indeed logged, and in both locations (log viewer + event log). Thanks for the advice.