If I recall correctly a forum member told be that I would find the file information (file name, size, date etc) of my last VRDB run.
I cannot find anything like this in the Virus Chest.
How do I find the file information (above) on my last VRDB creation ?
I would have gone back to the thread where I had asked this question, but I do not find any way to SEARCH BY USER in the forum Search Attributes.
If there is a way to SEARCH BY USER to find all entries in the forum by a specific user then please tell me how. This would be very helpful in order to find past entries.
The vrdb is a encrypted database with backups of certain (system) files.
You can’t access it. It is used by avast incase a repair of a certain file is not possible and needs to be restored by the original to remove a infection.
Chest and VRDB are different things.
The info about VRDB is on the front panel of the skin (Virus recovery database).
The file name is \Data\Integ\avast.int
You can’t edit or work with this file, only avast! while recovering from infections.
In regards to the VRDB info the “skin” only has the date when it was run. I wanted a little more information like File size, Files updated etc. There does not seem to be any link on the VRDB info that is there to launch any other menu. I have to presume that the only info that is available is the last run date.
In regards to the “search by user”, I did go to the advanced search, but it only allows me to search by user with a value in the “search for” string to the left. If I either leave the search value blank (empty) or put an “*” there in the hope to find all entries that I have made regardless of the what was part of the post I get a message telling me that I need to enter more info. I wanted to see ALL my entries because I I’m not sure what I might have put into the post I might be interested in. Just to give you an example you can go to another forum lg.net where you can search for all posts by user in order of most recent, which by the way is fairly common in most forums. I can only assume this is not possible in this forum, which is okay.
^ On more info, I guess I don’t need to know I just thought it would be kind of nice to have more info.
I could ask you why not know the file size, after all this is how one manages one’s computer isn’t it ??? ;D
In regards to the work around, I certainly appreciate the help, but I was just wondering… How would anyone know that one must put together a URL with all of that information in order to list a specific user’s posts ?
One thing, for instance where would a user (like myself) know where to find the “user number” ?
Where did you find MY “user number”, for instance ?
Regardless while I was looking for where this “user number” of mine (and yours) can be found I did find in the profile a link to lauch a search of “all posts”.
It would seem to me, however, a much more “user friendly” approach would simply be to have a text box window for the user to enter his or her “user name” and click a button to search “all” (like so many other forums), rather than to somehow come up with a “clear as mud” (for the common user) URL address to get the results, but that’s just me… ;D
I just went to my Profile. Under Profile Info, I clicked on Show Posts, and it showed anything that I had posted to the forum, from the latest to the oldest.
Is this what you were looking for?
8) 8)
Thanks roro, as a matter of fact yes I did find the link which is what I meant when I had said in my previous post:
"Regardless while I was looking for where this "user number" of mine (and yours) can be found I did find in the profile a link to lauch a search of "all posts".
But I was also curious about where Tech was able to find “user numbers” which can be used in a URL address to find posts by any user (including myself). Tech posted this URL for instance: “//forum.avast.com/index.php?action=profile;u=14919;sa=showPosts”
Apparently my user number is “14919” as signified in the address string as “u=14919”. Apparently Tech’s user number is “731” as signified in his post.
I was just curious how Tech was able to get these “user numbers” in the first place, but I guess Tech wants to keep this a secret :-[
Since it would be nice to know how to find these “user numbers” maybe Tech will eventually let us know… 8)
Anyway, yes just as you say there is a much simpler way to find your own posts in the user profile than the method Tech had offered but it is only your own. (of course that was what I wanted in the first place anyway and it took my unsuccessful attempt at finding where “user numbers” are to at least lead me to that link you speak of) :o
^ Thanks for the quick response Tech, your method is apparently the way to go if someone needs to see posts other than their own. Thanks for the info 8)
Well now that we have know more about how to find a users posts, maybe we can get back to the “real” reason for this thread. ;D
So is there any way to actually view the VRDB file, and see it’s size like say you can on any other files in a windows operating system. I understand that Avast will keep the most current THREE VRDB generated files.
It would be nice to be able to see when they were generated (dates and times) and to see the file size.
Is that possible ? ??? Or is the only information available on the “skin” that tells the “date” and “time” of the last VRDB generation.