VRDB not being "maintained" !?

:slight_smile: I installed Avast Home Edition & “generated” the VRDB on
June 4 '05; however, having heard that the VRDB is
“updated” a minimum every 3 weeks and the “main screen”
of the program still says "Virus Recovery Database ( VRDB )
6/4/2005 14:50 ", does this mean it has NOT “updated” ?
I have run several scans, including 2 “through” ones & on
July 6, after having “switched” from “screen saver is
running” setting to “computer is idle” setting, the “i” ball
suddenly appeared in my System tray and spun for a while.
I thought by this action that the VRDB was being “updated”
but the date on my screen has NOT changed. Is the VRDB
being “maintained” on my computer ? None of the scans
has detected any viruses.

If you see the ball with the I spinning, it means the vrdb is created.
Depending on your system (speed, files etc) this can take a while.
The vrdb will only report a new date when it is finished entirely.
Most likely (in your case) the vrdb did not have enough time to be generated completely.
You can start the VRDB manual and let it run overnight.
That should give it enough time to finish.
The other day you should see a new date.

This is the question that I want the answer too: when the VRDB date is updated? At the beginning of the process or when it’s done?
Why doesn’t the VRDB started after the defined period?

:slight_smile: I just “completed” a VRDB “update” and today’s date now
shows on the “main screen” of the program. Being on Dial-
Up, my experience with the VRDB “maintanence/update” is
that it ONLY started and continued when I switched the
VRDB setting from “screen saver is running” to “computer
is idle” setting; this may be “unique” to my computer since
I do not believe I have a screen saver running !?
Since “Tech” has informed me NOT to “update” VRDB very
often because could lose its features as just “corrupted”
versions of excutables will be found, is every 3 weeks
too often ?

OK, now I’m interested too. I’m updating my VRDB manually every time I have some changes on my PC (as program or system updates). So it’s about one time in week. Am I doing something wrong? :-\

VRDB should not be related with dial-up or other connection method.
Idle for VRDB is not using the keyboard or mouse after some time.

This could be the problem…

What I’ve said, or tried to said is: VRDB store the last three versions of the executable parts of files that could be infected, I mean, not all the file, just some information about it. If you install files very often and renew the VRDB very often and do not reliase that some executable become infected, you’ll have the last three versions of an infected file and not, for instance, two versions clean and just one infected. The VRDB period should be decided by the user and his(her) habits :slight_smile:

And when the file is no longer available (for eg. uninstalled) VRDB removes all information about it?

One more thing. I thought that VRDB will let me to choose one of three versions and will show info about file date, that I could choose the latest… I’ve never had to use this feature on my PC, as I can’t remember when I had my last “real” virus. ;D

I think so…

No, you could not manage it… just the last clean version would be used to ‘repair’ the infected executable file.

I think this was already partly answered: the Status screen doesn’t update until the VRDB generation (first-time or updated) has been fully completed.

There might have been another implied question there, or it might even be what you were really asking. As for the date and time shown – I get the impression (and I could be wrong, of course) that once it’s done, the new date and time shown are when it started, not when it completed.

Not really, I thought it is this but the real question is: