VRDB not done yet!

I have been running Avast for almost 2 months (since 2/14) and the VRDB is NOT done yet. :-[

I ran the “Generate VRDB Now” option for several days straight and have been running it with the screensaver option now for almost 2 months, but Avast is still reporting the VRDB not done yet (the spinning VRDB icon appears in the task bar for a short time after leaving the screensaver.

I am running an AMD 2800+ with 512 MB of RAM and Windows XP Pro. I have a WD 160 MB ATA133 HD (139GB free) and a WD 32 MB ATA100 (19.3GB free). I do have SETI@home running in the background, but should have plenty of resources.

Does any one have any ideas for what the problem could be, or where to even start looking?

Since the generation of the vrdb is only possible when your system is idle, you have to “kill” all background-processes first.

Bye 8)


Possibly there’s something really oddball running in background processes – but for most practical purposes, the VRDB generator is only looking at keyboard or mouse input for activity, and virtually nothing else will interrupt it. So I definitely wouldn’t touch baclground processes as a trial solution unless the Alwil team recommends it. Problem is most likely somewhere else entirely.


You don’t have to kill anything really – the “idleness” is only given by the fact that you’re touching your mouse and/or keyboard, or not…

You can also select the “Generate VRDB Now!” option and let it finish – if you’re really looking forward to completing it asap…

I didn’t understand… The user said:

How could the answer be:

bharritt, didn’t you let the VRDB finish and click to generate it again and then again… a new click… ::slight_smile:

Within the first few days of installing Avast, I clicked the “Generate VRDB Now!” After several hours, I tried it again. The finally, I let it run … and run … and run for two or three days without clicking it again. Is this not long enough? It currently has been running with the screen saver for many weeks, and still it has not finished.

Some minutes will be enough ::slight_smile:
Depends on the number of files and executables do you have in the HDD. Definetively, not days using the command generate VRDB now.

And does the VRDB tray icon move (show jumping arrows) when you select the 'Generate VRDB Now!" option? And do you hear a HDD activity?



Apparently the VRDB generator is very sensitive to background software. I killed all possible running processes, hit “Generate VRDB now” and the process completed in about 1 minute. The key background programs seem to sloooow the process down seem to be seti@home and SPAMKiller. So the solution would seem to be to kill these processes and run the generator once a month or so.

Thanks to all, your replies put me on-track to resolve this issue.

I am having the exact same problem: Avast is showing VRDB not done yet after numerous attempts to “generate now”. I’m running windows XP home, and task manager shows 23 processes running after exiting all programs that I normally auto-start. Anyone have any ideas which of these processes to end so that “generate now” will work? Or am I barking up the wrong tree? Or to rephrase the question, of the 23 processes, which one(s) are mandatory to keep running? I tried ending several processes, and one of the processes that I ended caused XP to shutdown (in 60 seconds… at least I got a warning). Thanks in advance to anyone that replies.

Try the freeware program EndItall. You can get it here:


This is what I used to kill the background programs to generate the VRDB.

I’m not sure but you do not have to end any proccess to have the VRDB generated if you ask it so… Do you have a ‘i’ icon twirling and dancing in your system tray… oh, when it finishes VRDB will be done :slight_smile:

I had the ‘i’ icon twirling and dancing in my system tray for over 2 months and never finished the VRDB. I then killed all possible background software using EndItAll, punched the “Generate VRDB Now” button and it was done in about 1 minute.

Thank you for your reply bharritt. It looks like docsdownload.com has many other goodies that I may be interested in.

I’m still having no luck. I tried end-it-all a few times. When I “killed all” programs, it also killed avast. So i selectively killed all that I could and started “generate now” before I went to bed last nite. This a.m., the “i” icon was still spinning, my hard disk light was still flashing, and VRDB was STILL not done yet :frowning:

I am very open to any and all suggestions you, or anyone interested in this topic may have (because I REALLY want to have a good VRDB created by avast). Thanks in advance.

My problem is solved. I’m pretty sure that it had something to do with the fact that I had 2 logical drives that were not formatted. I noticed that the virus scan program ended in an error code 3 (couldn’t find path, or something like that). So I formatted both logical drives and reran the virus scan, and lo and behold, it ran clean. So I thought, why not try to generate VRDB now ?? Lo and behold, it worked !! Life is good :slight_smile: It may be of interest to note that i did NOT have to close any background programs/processes.

As I said before… Thanks God I’m not crazy 8)
Glad with you BeWell… Stay tunned with avast forum… :wink: