I have a little problem with the VRDB generation scan on avast! home edition because when i make a scan (auto or manual) … it never stop !!! i already run a scan that last about 1 day and when i look on avast! it say “NONE” !!!.
When i manually generate a scan. it last an hour and stop normally but avast! say “NONE” !!!
i don’t understand what’s happen because on my laptop VRDB run fine !!!
i have try to disable some process but nothing.
I use the same serial for on my laptop and on my firewall pc …
If you want more info about VRDB, browse the FAQ link on my signature
VRDB depends on how many executables you have in your system and it could be generated while the computer is idle, while the screen saver is running or when you ask it to be generated 8)
Yes i know all of that but i think that VRDB is not running well on my server because when i enable it when my computer is in idle my Hdd work all the time !!! and after 2 days the VRDB was not done yet !!! and remember that this computer is just an internet gateway with Win XP Sp2 Firewall … so i don’t use it !!! 2 days of VRDB i thing there is a problem !!!
i disable the VRDB generation from now because i don’t want to crash my Hdd with VRDB !!!
I have my VRDB settings set to Generate VRDB only when screen-saver is running, because I don’t use a screen-saver it wont run automatically. I don’t like the idea of either the screen-saver or Idle options for generating the VRDB as I feel they take to long as they are often interrupted by activity.
I prefer to do a manual Generate VRDB now as a part of my regular system maintenance (I run it every two weeks, easier than remembering to do it every three weeks as the default option). On my system that takes about 6 minutes, nothing else is running so it shouldn’t have to share cpu time.
The time it takes does depend on many things, the amount of data that is monitored (exe, dll, system files, etc.), RAM, CPU, etc. It will however be a lot quicker than with screen-saver or when Idle generation.
yep OK but why my generation VRDB doesn’t work and always say none !!! i have try to disable all unnecessary process from the ram but nothing !!! and i have only 2,6 Go of data !!! a P3 1ghz and 512 mo of ram this is not a bad config …
Until the VRDB generation completes it will always say none. I assume that you are getting this information from the simple user interface?
My system is not wildly disimilar (AMD cpu though) to yours with about 6GB of data, but your P3 will take longer. I believe that the first time it is run it will take longer, I can’t remember how long my first generation took. Perhaps you could start a Generate VRDB Now last thing at night and leave it to complete.
Hi, VRDB ran continuously (when pc idle) for me also since I changed my boot hard drive. The drive had an unformatted partition on it (second partition of the first hard drive) (ready for Linux). This upset the VRDB generator. The problem went away immediately when I formatted the partition in Windows. Incidentally, my machine took just a few minutes, say five or ten to complete the VRDB generation. Oh dear, I expect the problem will return if I install Linux! Desktop PC, 3*hard discs, 4 partitions, about 8.8Gb total, CD Burner, Pentium S CPU 166MHz, RAM 96Mb.
Perhaps Avast could do something about it in a future update…
By the way, thanks for an excellent anti-virus that works just fine on this obsolete machine.
I think this is not probable.
Windows cannot see my two Linux partitions… VRDB won’t be able even to know that there are other non-Windows partitions…
If they are there, what’s up? My VRDB works perfectly.
I had the same problem with the VRDB on my computer, it would not stop generating. I did a virus, (complete) scan on my computer and the scan found a worm on my computer. The anti-virus put the virus into the virus chest, now my VRDB works the way it is supposed to. ;D This is only what I experienced.