VRDB sick?


I have noticed that since last night the little “i” ball which signifies the Virus Recovery Database is refreshing seems a little–er…ill, for lack of a better word. ::slight_smile:

I have VRDB set to generate when computer is idle and I have seen that the “i” ball will spin for a couple of seconds then stop and start again. It has been faltering all last night and tonight as well and does not appear that it will ever stop, even if I leave the computer for a couple of hours.

Any ideas?


If it stops spinning it is either finished or the system is not idle anymore (background running applications)

Run a manual vrdb creation

Isn’t it all right? I mean, the VRDB is being generated again… It could take some time to finish…
Welcome back chameleon, I haven’t see you for a long time…

It is only that it never takes more than an hour (at most) to generate. But it has been stopping and starting like an old engine for 2 nights, even on idle and even if the internet is off/other processes minimised.

I will run a manual VRDB as Eddy suggested.

PS: I am drowning in studies and no one sees me anymore. :cry: