I have been reading about VRDB and I don’t see any ICON on the task bar nor have I found way to start VRDB. I have check to see if the task bar has any hidden ICON. I have look around in the menus and setting but can’t find a way to start VRDB. Can you guide me in a direction to start VRDB?
Reading Avast’s manual is a good start.
Already right clicked on the blue ball next to the clock?
Only one blue ball with a “a” no blue ball with a “i”
Right-click on the “a” ball and put your mouse on “VRDB”,
then click on “Generate VRDB Now” and that should start
you getting VRDB on/in your computer; I am on dial-up
and it took quite a while for it to finish.
Thanks for the help but right clicking the “a ball” doesn’t show any menu for VRDB!
I am using version 4.6.691 home version.
The VRDB options should be there, if not there is something wrong with your installation.
If it really doesn’t show, try a repair of Avast.
Do you not see this image when you right click the avast icon and hover the pointer over VRDB?
If not try the repair as Eddy suggests (you need to be on-line when you do this), if that doesn’t work try, uninstall, reboot, install, reboot.
No I never say the (i) icon nor was the VRDB listed in the menu. I tried the repair but it did not solve the problem. I did a remove and replace with a new download and now I have two ICON and VRDB.
Thanks for all the help.
Welcome to the forums Bill.
How long does is it usually take to create VRDB? (I have broadband internet connection)
Hi and welcome Hannu,
The process is not relevant to a connection speed as it is Avast! taking a “snapshot” of your system to use in the event your system ever become corrupted.
The speed it generates will depend on the speed of you CPU and the size of your files .
You don’t need the internet to generate a VRDB scan, it is entirely based on the contents of your system.
The VRDB doesn’t scan every file, generally system files, exe, dll, etc. The first run is likely to take a little time, my subsequent VRDB scan takes 6-7 minutes. Use the generate now otherwise it is likely to take much longer.