Ok, How long should it take for the VRDB to be “completed”? I mean, I left it runing for two days straight doing nothing else (not even connected to the internet, I unplugged it) so I could devote all system proceses to just AVAST’s VRDB and the bare-bones system proceses (taskmgr.exe, and so on).
It’s still not done. How do I calculate how long this should take?
When no RunInterval value is in the avast4.ini file, the default (3 weeks) is used. I’m afraid I don’t know how long the VRBD generation can take… of course, it depends on how much files and programs you have on your disks… I think it shouldn’t take very long (an hour?) - but I really don’t know, I may be com-pletely wrong. As for shortening the interval of VRBD generation I suggest you read this forum. By default, VRBD is updated every 3 weeks; the interval can be changed by editting avast4.ini file, though. More information about the avast4.ini file you can see here.
Thank you, Technical.
With a clean install of XP (no updates) and just a couple of programs added, VRDB on my computer takes just about 10 minutes to do its thing. With all the XP updates installed (and with the programs I add), it takes little over 30 minutes.
Sarge, I suspect it depends upon how many programs you’ve got on your hard drive – the more, the longer.
Perhaps your operating system processing speed has something to do with it? Avast! Team should be able to provide you with a better answer.
Sarge, what is the current size of the file \data\integ\avast.int? And what is its current timedate?
My avast.int is 6.47 MB (6,785,784 bytes) long.
I’m running WinXP Pro sp1.
Avast4 Home (latest version)
Two hard drives, total used space 62 GB.
62GB!!!??! what are you putting on those drives :o