How long does it take to generate the VRDB?
It dependes on the number of your executable files, the method (idlle or screen saver), etc…
Generally, after the first updates, few minutes are enough.
I’d say it may be a little more… an hour, for example.
Maybe a little off topic, but a question of my own that might affect how long.
When creating a new (i.e., updated) VRDB, is each processed file considered done just once, when its “DNA” has been recorded?
Or to clarify, if you happen to modify an exe (or whatever) that’s already been processed, while the VRDB is still generating, does only the original version get saved? Or is the generator “smart” enough to go back and re-do the portion relating to that one?
Mike, if I remember correctly, VRDB passes just once for each executable file. Only waiting the delay period - when the VRDB will be generated again - you could ‘store’ the second, new executable.
Of course, things will be easier if I were right all the times, which is difficult ;D
Wait a little and Igor will say I’m wrong
Thanks, Technical, that’s more or less what I’d guessed – of course, as you say, Igor could point out (and that’s fine with me) that we’re both wrong.
Bottom line, I guess, is that while the VRDB is generating is not a good time to be doing updates/upgrades on other things.
Maybe, if we are correct, it will be a good thing to add to help files or, even better in my opinion, a tool tip into the ‘i’ icon, or a pop-up alerting this 8)
Well, I don’t know… what’s the difference between doing the changes during the generation, or one day after/before it? You may simply get a new or old version into the database ocassionally… that would happen all the time, unless you prevent doing any changes whatsoever.
I’d recommend not to bother about VRDB that much… it should be rather an invisible tool, running on background, that may help in the rare case of the infecton - not something you should be worried about every day.