What is the best choise to set up VRDB, to generate???

Depends on your choice…
Do you use a screen saver? Then this could be a reasonable choice.
Don’t? So, check for the ‘idle’ time generation… (i.e., VRDB will be generated when there is not keyboard or mouse activity). :slight_smile:

Hi Tech, no i dont use screan saver…hmmm, i will check for the ‘idle’ time generation.The thing is that my brother disabled VRDB generation, and i am not sure if this is bad or just very bad ??? lol thanks for the advice :slight_smile:

This is very bad… you’ll lose the capability of restoring infected executable files :stuck_out_tongue:

Great, just what i need… :stuck_out_tongue: i gess that there is nothing i can do now ::slight_smile:

It most certainly is a bad thing to disable it. I understand your not wanting to run more things on your system

I never use a screen saver I just go into standby, so with VRDB set to screen saver it will never generate. I prefer to use the Generate Now option every two weeks as part of my regular system maintenance. That way it runs when I want it to (quiet period) and is usually done in a little over 8 minutes on my system. It may take a little longer on yours so do it when you are about to have a coffee or meal break.