How do I get this VRDB to Recall its last reading back onto my computer. I got a virus and lost some critical data that was on my computer at the time of the last vrdb recording on 12/31/06. As you can probably tell I am computer illiterate, so please give me detailed information as how to do this.

P.S. I have a computer technician coming out to do some other stuff on my computer late tonight, so I have to get this fixed before he can do his other work, and have that work run properly.

VRDB is not a backup feature.
Is just what its name says: Virus Recovery DataBase.
avast will use the information (not whole files) stored on VRDB to recover executable files that get infected.
avast will start and use VRDB automatically and when it is possible.
Do you have Windows System Restore option enabled? Do you use any backup software?

Yes I have a Windows Restore System, but it will not complete the restoration because I lost some of my files?

Also I do not have a back-up system that I know of.

Well… the Windows Restore feature is not perfect. It’s far from that… it just backup system files.
I’m not sure about which files did you lose. Are files into the C:\System Volume Information folder? That is where Windows stores the Restore files.
Which critical data did you lose?

Don’t know which files I lost, but when I tried to read a document it would not, because the computer was looking for some kind of “Temp. Document” file. This file looked to be the exact same file I had put away in my chest and then deleted it about 20 days after it was in there. I deleted these files because I didn’t feel safe that this virus would not migrate back into my computer. It now appears I might have needed these files, or could I have even used these files because they were infected.

I have to go right now because I had a previous appointment at 12:30 EST, to which I have to be there. I will log back in later in the day. Thanks for your help in advance.

Chest (Quarantine) is safe. Virus cannot ever get out from there if you not give explicit permition (restoring the file).

Do you have the original Windows CD?

Yes I do have the original windows Cd ME. I even updated my window’s operating system to windows XP, and it has been running well for the last 12 months. I don’t know how they work but I have added a lot of documents to my computer since the windows XP was installed, and I do not want to lose my new files when I reinstall my windows XP.

I think the thing that screwed up my computer was when a windows program popped up and advised me I could save space on my C drive if I condensed my documents. So I Did. The next thing I know is that I I have a whole bunch of word documents in my recycle bin. Thinking the condinsing program was working OK I deleted the files in my Recycle bin. Now these files are highlighted in blue and I can’t get into these files because the computer says it could not find the right files (Temp Document??? file) to route itself to these documents. The documents which stayed highlighted in black print are accessible through my word documents.

But now, do you have Windows ME or Windows XP? If XP, do you have the original CD?
Windows XP has the ability to protect itself from system instability caused by 3rd party software overwriting important system files.
To do this simply go to the Run box on the Start Menu and type in:
sfc /scannow

More info: http://www.updatexp.com/scannow-sfc.html