???When, and how do you use it ??? Have seen no posts !!
VRDBVRDB stands for “Virus Recovery Database”; it was known as “Integrity Database” in previous avast! versions. The aim of VRDB is to help when, despite all the security measures, a virus gets inside the computer and the files are infected. With the help of VRDB, it is possible to repair many infected files (return them exactly to their original state). VRDB is announced by an icon with the letter “i” in the system tray (next to the clock). If the icon is animated, the database is being created right now.
avast! creates an integrity database, i.e. it stores information about the actual state of the files, doing it three versions back for each file. The database creation/maintenance is performed either when the computer is idle, or when the screen-saver is running (any screen-saver, not only the avast! one). This database, once it is created, is updated each three weeks (this value may be changed by editing avast4.ini).
If a file is infected by a virus, it may be possible to repair it using the information stored in VRDB, i.e. turn it to its original state. If there are multiple versions of the file in the database, you can choose which version you want to restore.SETTINGS
The settings of VRDB can be changed by clicking on the icon in the system tray with the right mouse button. There are three options:
Generate VRDB when computer is idle. avast! will create its database only when the computer is idle, i.e. when it is not being used.
Generate VRDB only when screen-saver is running. avast! will create its database during the time screen-saver is running. It may be any screen-saver, not only the one included in avast!
Disable VRDB generation. avast! will neither create, nor update the database. If you select this option, it will not be possible to repair virus infected files in the future!
You should have two avast icons in the system tray, blue circles one with an ’ i ’ and an ’ a ', the i is the one for the VRDB. Clicking it will give you options, see image, to start off you need to click the Generate Now to run the first generation of the VRDB.
Once you have done that you select how you would like it to run in the future, many select Generate VRDB only when screen-saver is running, or Generate VRDB when computer is idle. After that everything should be automatic.
Well it certainly is self explanatory !!. Thought you had to manually do some thing to get it to do what ever it will do. Didn’t know it was automatic.!!! Again thanks. :o
Your welcome.
But the creation of VRDB is automatical too (if not disabled manually). I have installed Avast 4.7 on VM and now have VRDB within it. But I didn’t use any manual VRDB creation.
The VRDB has to be regulary updated/generated?
Isn’t it enough to just generate once VRDB?
If you open the Simple User Interface shortly after installing avast, you are likely to see that the VRDB scan will have something like Not yet scanned/generated where the date of the last generation would be.
Personally I prefer to run it manually at a time of my choosing when I will be away from the computer (coffee, etc.), either the screen saver or when the computer is idle. Both are likely to be interrupted frequently if you are working but have pauses, in that work.
I have mine set to generate on screen saver, but I don’t use a screen saver, so it won’t ever generate automatically. I do weekly system maintenance and every third week I generate the VRDB and it is done in around 10 minutes with no interruptions.
The VRDB has to be regulary updated/generated? Isn't it enough to just generate once VRDB?
No it isn’t good enough to do it once, files change, updates and new programs and files are added at times in the future. So if it isn’t generated periodically, out of date information is said to be worse than no information.
I have the following question about VRDB usage.
Is it possible to use existing VRDB for some sort of heurictic to detect possible file infection (by some malware currently undetected by avast! signatures) of autoload files or it is bad idea? E.g. some autoload file changes it’s size. Yes, it can be false positive, because of user had install some new version of software. But sometimes it is malware which changed this file. I don’t know would be this heurictics practical one.
The VRDB doesn’t include every file in its generation it is mainly .exe files, though I don’t know if that would also be .dll and .com files.
It doesn’t include a copy of the complete file, just enough to set it back to that state, so if it were a file that was monitored and had been included in a recent VRDB I guess it would be theoretically possible to detect it had been changed since the last VRDB generation. However, there would be nothing to say if that change was legitimate or malicious. I would also havard a guess that this may have a performance overhead.
???I presume you have to be logged on to the web for this update to take affect ?? I set it to update when screen saver is running. But my screen saver will not come on if I am logged on to the web, only when logged off !??? (sorry I am confused.)
No, it is a local VRDB Generation (not update) that will start if your screen saver is running, if your setup doesn’t allow the screen saver to run whilst on the internet then it won’t run. It is dependant on the screen saver running and doesn’t require you to be on-line.
It generates and Integrity Database, as mentioned in the quote in my first post.
VRDB stands for "Virus Recovery Database"; it was known as [b]"Integrity Database"[/b] in previous avast! versions. The aim of VRDB is to help when, despite all the security measures, a virus gets inside the computer and the files are infected. With the help of VRDB, it is possible to repair many infected files (return them exactly to their original state). VRDB is announced by an icon with the letter "i" in the system tray (next to the clock). If the icon is animated, the database is being created right now.
But it shouldn’t be listing files to the screen, t doesn’t with mine with default avast settings. I suspect you may have been tweaking the avast settings.
This option, ‘Show detailed info on performed actions’ is off by default. This function is also on the Web Shield and Internet Mail providers so you should also check those.
Do you mean it is like this second image ?
Your HDD will show lots of activity it is accessing files so it can create the VRDB (integrity database), its normal.
Silent mode (web shield) was checked, un checked it. still getting names of files and there number (in a rectangular blue box) shifting from place to another place, on screen, while screen saver and VRDB running. Then file #30777, says Test is finished !!. (and it continues to jump from place to place on screen).
Are you using the avast screen saver from my recollection that jumps from place to place on the screen, the whole point of a screen saver.
I don’t know if the avast screen saver does a file count, recently there has ben a progress indication on the on-demand scans so I don’t know if something similar is in the avast screen saver, assuming of course you are using it (?). I don’t use a screen saver (I rather have my monitor power down) I can’t really test as I did a manual generation last week so it would be two weeks before it would automatically be generated by the VRDB.
AOK, and thank you !!! ;D
Your welcome, glad things are Ok now.
When my screen saver turns on, (avast screen saver) won’t work with other screen saver’s (but is suppose to). it is scanning for virus, I guess the next time VRDB downloads it will Scan again for Integrity and virus. ???Am I right ???
The VRDB only run once every three weeks by default and the VRDB doesn’t download, it is an integral part of avast an only scans files on your computer. The VPS is entirely different that is the Virus Pattern Signatures and they are frequently updated.
What do you mean the avast screen saver won’t work with other screen savers ?
I don’t use a screen saver, but the VRDB should work with any screen saver (so you don’t have to use it), but you would have to wait for the next cycle to find out for sure. It isn’t scanning for viruses but getting details of certain files, so that should they become infected the repair function, uses the information contained in the VRDB to try an effect a repair of the infected file.
I suggest a re-read of my first reply relating to the VRDB info in the avast Help file.
No scanning indicated with other screen savers. (HHD) quiet. Scanning indicated when using avast screensaver. (HHD) hipper ! (Advanced configuration in screensaver).(settings)shows settings for viruse’s and other things. In other words, why are they there ???, if it isn’t scanning for what is in the menu, You can choose. along with what ever it dose with VRDB. Sorry, I seem to be missing something some where. Check out avgss (screen saver), look at all you can do with it. (I guess).