My first post so pleeeeease be gentle with me!!
I installed Avast 4 home edition yesterday on the recommendation of a friend,i just need to know how long on average does VRDB take to do it`s thing when 1st downloaded,i have read the help files and done a search but cannot seem to find an answer.
My icon is still spinning away happily and i assume is making copies of various files,when can i expect it to remain still?
Kind regards.
I’m afraid there isn’t a average time as it is dependant on how much you have on your HDD. The VRDB only monitors executable files so if you have lots of applications on your system it could take longer than someone that doesn’t have as many.
Depending on your system spec it would also have an impact on duration, fast system with plenty of RAM would be quicker than a low powered CPU with minimal RAM, so I think you can see that there is no average as there are too many variables.
However, my first VRDB scan on my old system took 7-8 minutes, yours could be longer or shorter.
It doesn’t make copies of files but gathers information about the file so it could try to repair an infected file, it isn’t a back-up program as that could consume very large chunks of your HDD space.