"Vulnerable software found" "Resolve all" - How resolve?

Avast is very unclear in it’s wording on many things.

If I click on “Resolve all” what happens?
Does it take action without my knowing what software is being referred to and what is its vulnerability and what action is Avast taking to make it invulnerable?

It should offer the option “View issue” or something like that, or even better simply display a panel outlining the problem and what it proposes as a cure, not use wording implying its going to take care of what it views as a problem without offering more info first.

Because of the language Avast uses I never click on these. Perhaps it could help my computer, perhaps not.
I’d like to know what the problem is but Avast’s wording makes it sound as if I won’t have that option.

It depends on the scan you have run, what components you have installed, the products you have a subscription for, the settings you have set etc.

If you click on “resolve all” avast will try to resolve all problems it has found.
Ofcourse it will not do so if e.g. something was detected by the CleanUp part if you don’t have a subscription for it.

I get the same sort of “notices” It doesn’t give enough information for me to make a decision.

You did not get it!

The OP asked about getting info HOW Avast wants to “resolve all”.

One way of “resolving all” a heavily infected system would be to set it on fire.
Would you want Avast to “resolve all”???

I sure did get it and gave the correct answer.

Thanks for trying to help but I agree with the other 2 posters - Exactly what I am NOT willing to do is click on “resolve all” without knowing what specifically will be done, and without even knowing what specifically they feel the problem is with.

E.g., it’ll tell me I have 2 vulnerable passwords.
Huh!!! WTF does that even mean? Which are the 2 passwords?
I guess Avast feels the owner of the computer is not worthy of finding this out.

or it’ll say 1 software is unsafe.
Gee thanks Avast.
Don’t tell me which software you refer to so I can decide if it’s a false positive.
Don’t tell me what steps you’re going to take which may mess up my computer as perhaps I want/need that software.

This is really shoddy behavior on Avast’s part, and unworthy of them.

It’s worse than MS’ attempts at control - at least they inform what their updates are for.

Very tacky and questionable behavior by Avast.

There is a reason why avast creates log files.

It is still poor GUI design that you can’t find this out in a more convenient way.

Eddy - I came here for help.

Can you be more specific and help me get the info I need?

What scan did you run were you received the “Resolve all” option ???

Maybe this is of help to you:

Perfect - that sums it up:


Avast Überevangelist
Certainly Bot
Posts: 77502
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Re: 17.1.2285 Smart Scan
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2017, 10:51:48 AM »
I think that the wording could be changed from Resolve All (scares the pants of people) to View Details or something close to that. I think people would be more inclined to check what was found rather than click a button that is apparently going to Resolve All (TAKE ACTION)."

The wording is atrocious, and amazing that after all this time the company hasn’t improved it.

I too find it strange that the wording hasn’t been changed as there are many topics/posts about what happens if you click Resolve All. Not only is it inaccurate but misleading and frightening.

It is typical for a company that has grown a lot in “short” time.
They forgot where they came from and what made large.
It is all about the money now.

They have forgotten that the good tool and service brought them where they are now. >:(


The mobile Avast is a disgrace.
It looks like it was designed by a 14 year old Russian hacker.
More junk and ads than anything on the internet, and very difficult to tell what is Avast and what is I guess allied companies pushing unnecessary garbage.
I deleted it quickly.
They should be embarrased by their mobile app.
[Haven’t had a chance to post this comment in the “Mobile Apps” forum].
