W2K and avast4.xHome

Sorry my poor “english”, i speak finnish better.
I use W2000 & SP2 (SP 3 and 4 broken some program me). My family use same computer and here is 3 users and administrator.
I set registration code administration rights, its ok.
Log in normal user right, Avast seeing message about: Registration code not set (message is finnish). User rights is impossible set registration code. I chance user administration group and set reg. code, its work ok. Chance user back user group–> same message: (Registrat…) Avast work ok. via “run as” /administrator, but must start evry log in time.

Register hack, but where?

We can understand each other… no trouble 8)

Are the 3 users with Administrator rights? Or, on contrary, 3 common users and just one Administrator?

avast is not designed to be submitted to a downgrade user rights, I mean, if you are an Administrator and then you’re transformed into a common user.

In fact, I suggest you have only one Administrator account and let the others as common users. Can you do that?

One administrator, 2 common user (kids) and one power user (I, litle more rights). Administrator account used only installation and update
Testing move common user to administrator group. Avast work fine, but not gud idea security side. ;-(

Yes, like this I start after installation, but not work.
Version is 4.6/home.

Maybe one point more moving SuSE user? Its very lot new teaching, but something different OS.

Merry Cristmas and Happy New Year all reader!

It’s not only avast which won’t like these ‘movings’… Upgrading and downgrading the user rights mess Windows installations (folder user rights).

What do you mean? Use Linux (SuSE)?
avast for Linux is another program and it’s not related to Windows problems you’re experiencing ::slight_smile: