After trying to add a new folder via Explorer W2k hangs. If I use Task Mgr to kill Explorer I can no longer logoff/shutdown/restart and Task Mgr is no longer available. BUT, if I kill ashdisp.exe first then the desktop clears… I also have this problem during boot at various times.
Do you use any other AV-Software, like Norton or KAV? Never use two Monitors/Guards from two AV-Software at the same time.
Nope - Avast is the only AV running. Currently running W2K - SP3 with all cuurent updates. I have System Mechanic (Agent), Outpost (firewall), Mozillla (resident portion) USB 2.0 (unplug hardware), APM (only powers down monitor) and volume control running in the systray. I only have 14 system started tasks running. Any suggestions?
I have uninstalled it for now and have installed AVG as a temporay measure. I have seen this problem on Win 98 SE also. It seem to show up after a program upgade. I have the ability to run Win 98SE, WIn ME, W2K, Win XP and Linux (Mandrake 9.0). I have PC Cillin 2000, PC Cilllin 2002, Anti Vir, AVG running on various op sys’s.
BUT, if I kill ashdisp.exe first then the desktop clears....
Are you sure it was ashDisp.exe, and not ashServ.exe? You know, ashDisp is only reponsible for displaying the GUI - the real on-access scanner is in ashServ…
Anyway, have this happened every time you tried to create a directory? Any directory, or just some special directory on some special drive?
I have a suspicion that for a yet-unknown reason, some installations of v4.0.202 have the Standard Shield configured to scan ALL files on create/modify (normally, this would be turned off). This may be the cause…
After we release the next update (really shouldn’t take more than a
couple of days now), could you please retry installing it?
Ok… just drop me a email and I will re-install and test.
- Folder hang - simple add folder. I started explorer, when to the boot drive, programs folder, file, new folder and boom it hangs.
- At boot hang - normal startup, shows apm icon, USB icon, Outpost icon, Avst icon and then the on-access start for Mozilla (I think as it is the last piece to start) and then a hang.
- I noted than after a auto virus database update I would also get a hang condition. So I set both pgm and database update to ask so I could reboot right after the update. This seemed to work .
At this point I can get to Task Mgr but can not kill enough to free it. I have to kill ashdisp before it really gets started processing. With Avast remove and AVG install no problems.