Waiting for a subsystem to start

When I look at the services running in “On-Access Scanner” I see that several of them aren’t running. The list is as follows.

Avast Systems running:

Exchange 2000/2003
Instant Messaging
MS Proxy/ISA
P2P Shield
Script Blocking
Standard Shield

Avast Systems not running with message: “The provider is waiting for a subsystem to start”

Internet Mail
MS SMTP 2000/2003
Share Point 2003

I’m running Windows 2003 Small Business Server with all current fixes applied. Can anyone tell me where to go and look for the cause of this message?


Internet Mail

This is the desktop mail protection provider. If this is not a terminal server, you probably won’t need to run this.



MS SMTP 2000/2003

This provider is loaded on demand. That is, it will (should) become ‘Active’ as soon as a first SMTP message is delivered by Exchange.

Share Point 2003

You probably don’t have SharePoint 2003 installed. It is not part of SBS2003 – it is licensed separately as part of the Office 2003 suite, I believe.

Hope this helps,