Waiting for Avast8, is there any Beta or Alpha version yet ?? and what about the free AIS registration ??
Keep waiting…for probably around another 7-8 months.
Have no idea what you mean by “free AIS registration”?
only 8…i am waiting for avast10. ;D
you should aim higher: Avast 12.5 at least! ;D
Be patient… It’s not so long times when was released Avast! 7.
Why the rush? v7.0.xxxx has been out for only 2-3 months.
If avast releases on their usual timing, it should be sometime Q1 0f 2013.
Maybe sooner if the earth ceases to exist after Dec. 21, 2012. ;D
if earth ceases to exist after dec 21 2012…avast must send a server to outer space…which evolves by itself in the 1st quarter of every year : (it is sad if it ends with humankind… :P)
He has a point…we must plan because December is coming!!! ;D
I’m pretty sure that some rootkit will somehow survive in the outer space as well…