wanna leave Google?

interesting article here:
“I tried to free myself from Google and failed”

ps: feel free to comment :wink:

I have no Google related products at all.
Well, I still have the “usual” google search in FF, but heavily crippled it with NoScript. :wink:

are you using it? I mean noscript or not, are you searching with Google?

edit: what stops you from switching the search engine in the secondary search box? as to FF awesome bar, it’s Google by default but this can be changed too, why didn’t you?

Sure. I just slam the door for nosiness. :wink:

okay so you’re on the boat too.

ps: see my last post I edited it.

  1. Yep, I am. (sort of) :wink:

Because it’s still the best search engine available atm, imo.

okay then ;D … so as you’re using their flagship product, what do we do with your assertion “I have no Google related products at all.” ??? :wink:

We do read the second line of my posting. :wink:

Nice article. Thanks for sharing.

My answer to the thread title would be:

Nope, i don’t want to leave Google. ;D

Can’t imagine being without Youtube, Google Search or Gmail. Oh and add Google Chrome to that. I absolutely love it, has been my favorite browser for quite a while now.

Gee, leave Google, that’s almost the same as saying
I want to stop using the internet… ;D
Like Mike, life on the net wouldn’t be the same without Google.

I don’t think anybody got the real gusted to leave Google why sooner or later you’ll can’t live without Google why ???

Because Google is your best friend ;D

agreed Google has changed so much… no idea how many Google products/features I use but that’s many. May be hard to admit but Internet without Google doesn’t make sense, no matter the tracking, the spying, whatever “evil” things they may be doing behind your back: Google rules on the Net. This cannot change unless another company produces at least an equivalent search engine, and that doesn’t seem to be happening at all.

Imagine the power of Google, as I posted in another thread earlier today, the alliance of Apple + Microsoft +RIM was needed to counter attack Google (Nortel patents acquisition). It worked, but that still shows how Google is feared now. Android is taking over the smartphone market etc…

We’re all in the same boat ;D

I’ll tell you the real truth :wink:

I never touch MS search engine…100% true

I left Yahoo 10 years ago…100% true

I cannot leave Google…100% true

I have everything I need is pure 100% straight Google and nothing else

Now you believe I’m telling the truth ;D

OR Pass me some Google Cheese ;D

Naaaaa… I think I’ll stay.

Same here, I’ve never even tried Bing and Google became my search provider a long time ago, taking over from Yahoo after they parted ways. It was the only Google thing I had for years until I got a Gmail address to use for non-important things (I sort of regret it because I got tons of spam soon afterwards), and now Chrome has become my default browser but only because IE9 won’t run on XP. Google is getting increasingly hard to avoid and it’s been impossible to ignore for a long time.

I can also remember thinking at the time that Google was in trouble when Yahoo dumped them in favor of their own independent search. Yahoo was so dominant at the time that I was pretty convinced that Google would quickly die and never be heard from again.

Actually Bing is not bad at all. 99 percent of the time i use Google but Bing has come pretty far i have to say. Anyone remember Altavista ?

Altavista… Good memory ;D

You know, I remember Altavista too… In fact it was proposed to me to use it by my first ISP along with Russian Yandex back in 2000.

Now turning to our question: I’m seriously thinking of getting one of Android Smartpfones (which is by the way developed by Google). So, I suppose I’m a Googleman :wink: .

Yeah Altavista was bought and subsequently killed by Yahoo. I seem to remember another old one called Magellan.