want to ask something

so i learned how to make a virus?a malicious script?i dont know exactly what it is


i uploaded it at virustotal

results: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=181254c52918fdef0e4724da57e66b9bdfee9a9d66c964c699574e5bd4b65355-1283089931

can some1 tell me what i just made?

maybe nothing, it can be an AVG False Positive … ;D


and this is NOT a forum for how to make virus, and you should not post potentially MALWARE CODE IN THE FORUM

Hi Left123,

When analyzing it avast flags it as BV:Autorun-G[Wrm] If you got this from a contaminated flash drive, why are you posting this here and claim to have copied an existing virus. You really can get a banana for this, do you want to get banned?


So what exactly is it that you were trying to do here in the creation of this VirusTest.vbs.vbs file ?
Doubly file types (VirusTest.vbs.vbs) can be suspicious and some AVs might alert on that alone, but it is usually used obscure the true intent of a file.

This isn’t a malware building support forum, so we really need to know what your intention was in building this file.

Also remove the suspect script from your post, the last thing we want is for avast to alert on its own forums. If posting a script example use an image and not code to avoid alerts.