Hi, Can’t find out on how to contact company. Have the free home addition. My laptop is really messed up ,can’t use dial up or WiFi. Willing to pay for the better Avast but only have dial up. Want a cd to run on lap top and to know if I can use it on tow desk tops.
If you have a friend or another computer with broadband or Library you could download the full installation file and save it to either a CD or a USB and use that to copy to your laptop and install avast that way.
OK i got the idea… 20 day “warning”… so there is no CD availible
gotta find a friend with high speed inter net…
thanks …happy to see i’m not the only one with dial up
No, you are not alone in dial-up.
DavidR and I are both on dial-up though in different countries.
There are still al of of people on dial-up, some simply can’t get it as they are too far from the local telephone exchange and aren’t prepared to pay for satellite broadband (which still needs the telephone for the upstream connection).