Hi. Before I’m severely censured for what I’m about to post, let me assure you all that I perused through the entire thread of “what to do if a file is infected” and had a few questions of my own relevant to previous posts that I would like answered. Actually, just recently, being the computer illiterate that I am, I was browsing websites for a project, and as soon as I clicked one of the URLs provided by google, I was simultaneously infected with 7 viruses (which resulted in me suddenly hyperventilating and my heart palpitating erroneously–being the coward that I am). Following Avast’s suggestion, I have stored them all in the Virus Chest, but also being the paranoid little git that I am, I just want to get rid of them forever and not have to continuously be worried about a “what if” situation.
Now looking back I saw two posts that caught my attention regarding the Virus Chest: one that gave a 2 or 3 step procedure on what to do right after storing them (which of course, resulted in me absentmindedly staring at the screen for a good minute), and another about deleting them after 2 weeks. Out of curiosity, why did the viruses have to placed in the chest beforehand, just to be deleted later on? Why not immediately delete? And would deleting after 2 weeks or so really get rid of them forever? As in, is that really the best and safest way to get rid of the 7 (yes I hate myself too) viruses I somehow managed to get on my computer?
I apologize for such a lengthy, and probably boring, post, but I would GREATLY (you have no idea how great–seriously the help you guys could give would be equivalent to CPR) appreciate any help I could get in getting rid of the viruses.