Want to help Stop WorldWide Spam ?


Today I learned about a project called Procect Honey Pot. This tool is for website owners, what it does is it setups a page which displays an email adress the team then frequently monitors the email adress and because noone has that adress it is automaticly considered spam, the team then reports it to authorities.
An important feature is that it doesn’t increase load on your website.
The site is : http://www.projecthoneypot.org/index.php
As some of you have websites I thought that maybe you would want to help , I’m going to install mine this weekend :wink:


I certainly think this is a worthy project, unfortunately I no longer have a site up.

This is fine, but I fear it can only be a partial success as it is only looking at one element in the spam area. It will not stop spam worldwide as a lot of spam comes from infected systems uploading emails from the infected system and fed emails from the bot net controllers.

However, any reduction has to be a good thing.

It’s a good idea, and certainly worth the effort, but unfortunately, it’ll be a little like trying to chop down an oak tree with a pocket knife.

The tree is growing faster than we can whittle on it…

But trying will certainly make a difference :slight_smile:
