Surprised there aren’t more warnings regarding this application. All one needs to do is take a look at a few of the posts here to realize that once installed, you are SOL if any issues develop. This app should be labeled BETA. Bugs abound.

Thanks sir for throwing your previous customer base into the GREASE! Something to consider in the future when you begin developing updates for this product of yours. 1.) It needs to be accessible somehow via a web portal in order to configure. Some people change cell phones like socks. As it happens, the number this thing was set up to send/receive SMS -my wifes cell phone- has long since been gone. So I got no notifications regarding it. Nor could I send any. After sticking my sim in another phone to test its function and then returning it my own, it sounded the alarm. I suppose it was sending someone -God only knows who at this venture. I dealt with it for almost 3 hours trying to get it to take every pass I could think of to no avail. So I decided what the hell, I will just go online, sign into the account I made it with or something and retrieve my code somehow. Well that didn’t work either. Then I find out you have sold out to Avast -a company I might add whose products I am not in the least fond of, but thats ok. You and the software you produce NEED to be teamed up with them. So, Mr. Holzner, just exactly WHAT contingencies have you considered putting in effect for someone who installs the app, puts it in stealth mode, registers a phone number that they no longer have and can not remember the PIN as is so prevalent within these forums. There seem to be numerous other issues that trigger this app in error. Honestly, I forgot the app was even installed. Even so, this wasnt an issue of changing my SIM. The application should never have triggered. Accidents happen I suppose. But even Lojack has the ways and means of correcting things like this. You need to set down and think a bit more about the further reaching situations one might experience in using your software. If you can’t do that then get into another line of work!

hello, can you please in a simple and non-offensive way state what exactly is your problem? thanks.

Kitu: no software is perfect, i am sure you know :slight_smile:

I also installed the anti theft and have been receiving numerous SMS on the assigned number. Tried to uninstal it to no avail.
someone who can help.

if you give error reports please specify a bit more clearly. which SMS did you receive?
you can use the avast! Anti-Theft Removal Wizard in avast! Mobile Security.

The software is just doing it’s job!

If your this frustrated with it imagine how a thief would feel!

By the way, to uninstall go to security/device-administrators and remove the avast anti-theft, or whatever you named it when you installed it. Avast gives you the option to give it a secret name for example, I made mine “Jail-breaker” because i know my phone isn’t rooted.

Hope this helps.