Ok, i’ll skip the fat and get right into it.

If you’re going to root your device, make sure Avast! Anti-theft is fully uninstalled first. While performing the root, the anti-theft will detect changes being made to the system and start the device wipe function REGARDLESS of whether or not you have that feature switched on. It’s a great feature with not-so-great consequences. Do a full uninstall, THEN root, then reinstall. This seems to only apply to the rooting process and not to flashing roms. So if you flash a new rom, AVAST AT will be wiped as well without triggering the “Device Wipe” feature

Indeed, I’ve flashed a lot of ROMs (wiping or clean flashing and also without wiping or dirty flashing) and it always work with anti-theft installed.

please, this is absolutely not true. i see you mentioned this also on another thread. please make sure your statements are valid before you post it. the wipe is for sure not triggered by our program.

It is absolutely true, as I have been able to reproduce this. Note that I said it only happens during the root process, not while flashing roms.

The API’s in various phone models can be incompatible in some ways to certain functions or cause undesired effects. This particular effect is reproducable on the HTC Evo 4G LTE. Don’t be so quick to dismiss customer claims before properly checking it out yourself. When unrooted, using particular tools (LazyPanda in my case) can in fact trigger the wipe, and has. I was able to do it a second time just to confirm it. An empty SD card is my proof lol.

as i said, during a root process anti-theft will do nothing. it seems to be the way you root your phone causing this.

Yes, that’s what I just said, “using particular tools”

yes, but LazyPanda is not a tool we made. so if the tool wipes your phone you’ll need to contact its developers. anti-theft does not listen for “root events” and is also not reacting on anyone rooting the phone.

I understand your concern, and I am in no way trying to downplay Avast. I am giving a friendly warning for anyone planning on rooting. I understand that Lazy Panda is not your tool, and I never said it was. Avast indeed does not listen for root events, however it is designed to detect system level changes (i.e. changing of the sim card). Root is a system level change, where the devices security flag is turned off (hence the term S-Off). When I was rooting, avast DID detect that and start the wipe process. It IS reproduceable with the HTC Evo 4G LTE.

Like i’ve said before, don’t be so quick to dismiss a customers concerns. Every device is different, and avast does in fact interact with devices differently, even if they are slight differences. Before you dismiss this again, go ahead and check into it for yourself. I guarantee you’ll see exactly what i’m talking about. i look forward to hearing “i guess you were right”

hi we already tried to reproduce your problem but to no success. also i guarantee to you that we do not cause any wipe out of whatever reason. the only reason a wipe can be triggered is by sending the dedicated command WIPE to your phone. there is no other entry point to that code within our tool.

I just rooted my Droid RAZR a couple of days ago with Avast installed. Avast did NOT wipe the phone. I am using the stock ROM.