Warning Message Disconnects Me from LAN


I have been unable to find a way to stop an annoying problem I continue to have:

Whenever a virus is found, a window appears saying that and asking what do I want to do. (They often appear to be something detected by the BlackIce firewall I have.) I always say to delete, but if I’m not at my computer right away when the message happens to appear, it breaks my connecion with my LAN and I have to perform a repair for it to resend my IP addy to reconnect.

It is annoying regardless, but especially when downloading something large only to come back and find out the “Virus Found” window has locked everything up and disconnected me from the network.

Any help as to how to adjust settings to avoid this would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Firstly, deletion isn’t really a good first option (you have none left), ‘first do no harm’ don’t delete, send virus to the chest and investigate.

In the Home version avast requires an interactive response to a detected virus, the pro version obviously gives a much more flexible option.

I don’t know how this is happening as avast doesn’t have any connection capability, it can’t connect and can’t disconnect from the internet. The only thing I can think of is that there is some sort of timeout setting that may disconnect you, where that is I don’t know, but there isn’t such a beast in avast.

The other issue is which of the providers detected the virus ?
Check the avast Log Viewer, warning section, the location of the virus will give a clue. If it is a URL then web shield stopped it, if it is a hard disk location then the standard shield detected it.

Thank you very much for your time to respond and advice. I will investigate further now that you have given me a direction to head.

Thanks again.

No problem, welcome to the forums, good luck.