Warning Message In Log Viewer

Hello All. I downloaded the new program update seemingly with no problems whatsoever, and ran a boot scan and that was fine too. Thanx avast! :slight_smile:

However, I had a look through the log viewer and under warning, for today’s date, I found this message:

“Function setifaceUpdatePackages() has failed. Return co…”

I could not read the rest of the message. What does this mean?

Also, in the set up info (still in log viewer) there were lots of entries that said “not okay” ??? and other weird messages. :o

Any insights?

Shouldn’t be a problem, really… it’s quite normal.

It’d still be interesting to know the error code – why can’t you read the rest of the message? Can’t you widen the column (by draging the its boundary in the header)?

Hello. Thanks for your reply Vlk.

Yes, you are right, I can read the whole message after all.

So, this is what it says, under warning:

Date,Time: 22.04.2004 02:22:16

Account: {my admin. account details}

Application: 612

Description: Function setifaceUpdatePackages() has failed. Return code is 0 x 00000…

I’ve not had any warning or other log entries before, so I was curious. But, if you say not to worry, I won’t. But I might run the repair function at some stage, just to be on the safe side. Cheers! :slight_smile:

okay now I have the whole message ??? I looked in event viewer and the rest of the code is…

Application: 612

Description: Function setifaceUpdatePackages() has failed. Return code is 0 x 000004c7, dwRes is 000004c7.

What does this mean in human language? :wink: