Warning of Trojan.Agent in Avast Software

I went to my computer this morning and there sat a warning from SUPERAntiSpyware. See attached.

It is saying that this Trojan.Agent is found in Program Files/Avast Software. I can not even get rid of the alert. If I click on the X it pops right back up. I am doing a quick scan with SUPERAntiSpyware right now and so far it has found 17 instances, in areas all related to Avast.

Wow! This is a sickening feeling. Please HELP!

After finishing the SUPERAntiSpyware scan it said it had removed/quarantined the items in question and that I needed to restart. After restart Avast is completely disabled. When I went in and tried to enable the shields it said they were not reachable.

I have an older laptop running Win XP. I did a SUPERAntiSpyware scan on that and it is showing the same 16 infections shown on this computer. I did not restart that computer and Avast still seems to be active.

The worst news is that I just last night put Avast on my brand new Toshiba laptop and I’ll bet I will get the same story there.

I also ran Malwarebytes on this computer just now and it showed no infections. But I have no protection on this computer since Avast is disabled.

is it the avast installer u downloaded at other than original avast site??

No. When I installed Avast on this computer it was back in 2011 and I used the link the Avast team gave me.

This thing is crazy though.

I mentioned that I have a little Gateway laptop with Win XP on it and when SUPERAntiSpyware scanned on that machine it found the very same 16 Trojan infections. However, after I quarantined/removed, I did NOT restart. I scanned with Avast and nothing was found.

On this machine I restarted and that completely disabled Avast. So I followed directions I had on file from the Avast team to uninstall and reinstall Avast, which I just finished doing. Everything went fine … Until I opened SUPERAntiSpyware. Right away I got the warning window showing these Trojan infections associated with various areas of Avast. I just went ahead and shut down SUPERAntiSpyware.

I don’t know where the problem is (Avast? SUPERAntiSpyware?), but there is definitely something strange going on here.

Update: I went to SAS forum and apparently this is a false positive there. They have already issued updates and all seems to be clear now. After scanning I did not restart so hope when I do I don’t end up with a disabled Avast again.

Thanks for listening. If things go sour again I’ll be back. :wink:

EXACTLY same issue on my computer yesterday. SAS found same number (16) of Avast-related Trojans in my Avast Internet Security program. Went through same process of Trojan removal, uninstalled Avast IS, and reinstalled following directions in original licensing email. All seems to be OK now, but I would like to know what transpired here. BTW, I use SAS-PRO.

Then you must go to SAS forum and ask…as this is a SAS FP

A topic about this issue was started in sas forum yesterday

According to SAS the FP has now been fixed with the latest update
You will need to reinstall Avast to get the critical files back

Tengo exactamente el mismo problema, si utilizo SuperAntiSpyware para eliminar el troyano me desactiva el Avast, y si vuelvo a instalar Avast vuelve a detectar troyanos en la ubicación de instalación de Avast, :'(. Por el momento excluí la carpeta de avast del scan de SuperAntiSpyware. Pero quedo con la misma pregunta de Nikilet, es problema del Avast o del SuperAntiSpyware? …

Estaré atento a este problema, espero alguien pueda dar respuesta al respecto.


→ Espanol: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=25.0

Andress20 -

Esta una problema de SUPERAntispyware, dicen los expertos. Vamos a ver…

(Excuse if my Spanish needs polishing…)

I started this post and would like to know why things are coming through now in Spanish, which I can’t read. Is there some way I can translate or something?

That was just a misguided user, no need to translate anything - you’re still in the English section.