Hi im getting a warning on start up that my SMTP (OUTGOING MAIL)will not be covered because something else is using the port Avast wants use. Im not sure how to correct this problem being a novice. I would like to get some help if poss. Plain language please. mORE INFO Im
using Outlook exp. 6.0… I was using Norton I uninstalled all of it before I loaded Avast. ??? Thanks for any help Lonny
Lonny, you have a conflict in port 25 (SMTP or OUTGOING MAIL), I mean, two programs are trying to use the same port to connect the Internet. To help you, I need to know what is happening. Can you download TCPView, run it and see what programs are connecting the port 25?
If you want to ‘work in the dark’, I mean, without knowing and just following orders (plain language as you asked) so:
- Open your C:\Program files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Data\avast4.ini file
- Search for [MailScanner]
- See if you have a line with this
If not, write it exactly this. I will scan at port 26 and not at 25.
Hope this help
Thanks my friend I will give it a try and keep ya posted. Lonny
This is what I have in the TCPView sysinternals.
Process Protocal LocalAddr Remote Add State
Inetinfo EXE TCP 000025 0000 Listening
Am I looking at the right thing? That 25 is the only one listed
sorry im such a novice. With win XP can we link up? And ya Take a look? I dont know if that is poss. or not do U? Oh I looked in the INI file and found nothing that said mail scanner. sorry
inetinfo - inetinfo.exe - Process Information
Process File: inetinfo or inetinfo.exe
Process Name: IIS Admin Service Helper
Description: InetInfo, which is part of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and is used for debugging. The service is seen primarily on Windows NT 4 or 2000 Server where InetInfo provides Internet proxy and web server services.
Company: Microsoft Corp.
System Process: Yes
Security Risk ( Virus/Trojan/Worm/Adware/Spyware ): No
Common Errors: N/A
Well, can you disable IIS service and see if you could use port 25?
It is not an essencial service, so you can disable it… anyway, strange you found this. For me, IIS is set to ‘manual’, not automatic.
I’ll sure give it a try. And let ya know. Not sure where to find IIS so may take a while… Thanks for taking me by the nose and leading me around… Lonny
An application to ‘browse’ windows services and with a little bit more ‘friendly’ appearance is Service Controller XP.
IIS Admin Service allows administration of Internet Information Services (IIS). If this service is not running, you will not be able to run Web, FTP, NNTP, or SMTP sites, or configure IIS.
World Wide Web Publishing Service (a related service) provides HTTP services for applications on the Windows platform. The service depends on the IIS administration service and kernel TCP/IP support. If this service is turned off the operating system will no longer be able to serve act as a Web server.