Hi All,
I work for an online casino group that operates and runs a few online casino brands.
These are regulated by the UK Gambling Commission and have to adhere to the highest standards in terms of internet security, data protection and player protection. But yes, it is gambling, which is 18+ and will be frowned upon by some people.
One of our brand websites has for some reason been, over time, rated as a “bad” website - ‘based on many votes’ as it says.
We do not know what the users of the Avast Community mean by bad - I suppose these bad voters do not enjoy online gambling - but the fact remains that our sites are regularly QA’d and tested and kept free of any malicious software.
Nevertheless, the helpful AVAST browser add-on tells everyone with the add-on enabled that the site is “bad”.
We can understand and tolerate this, as it is based on the ratings given by users and that is fair enough.
However we have discovered that, with this add-on enabled, when a user is on our registration process, as he is entering the data into the fields, on two occasions, a popup appears that reads:
“It seems that you are trying to type a password or credit card number on a site with a poor reputation. Please double-check that the site is genuine. entering your personal information on an untrusted site may pose a security risk” There is also a big button saying “GET ME OUT OF HERE”.
To be honest we find this to be fairly reckless of AVAST!, where our potential customers are being driven away with what are effectively lies.
As I said, we can appreciate the negative ratings if people’s computers have been infected by viruses when using our casino software, or even if they just do not like the website, but this level of attack on our website and our registration process is harming the business and is not really fair.
Is there anyone in AVAST! who I could discuss this issue with? The bad rating we can deal with, but we really need the warning popup removed.
One other thing - I have tested the Add-on with numerous other gambling sites. The majority have no rating because of not enough votes. Some sites have a good rating based on many votes.
Only a few other sites have a “bad” rating by Avast users, and neither of these websites have any warning popups appearing during the sensitive registration process - What is the difference between us and them? are we being targeted?
many thanks, really appreciate someone getting back to me on this one.
Chris Phillips