Way to bash Avast Link inside


kinda crappy of them.

Context. Please.

In 9 pages of this thread, (which isn’t about bashing Avast, by the way, in fact, it’s not about Avast at all) there is an adverse comment concerning Avast by one user. And that user has 9 posts, and does not sound even slightly credible. (And nobody is rushing in to agree with him, either.)

Avast gets a mention in this thread a few times, and most of the mentions come across as favorable.

I find Comodo dubious at best:

This is a good read by Vincent Steckler:

Quite a few of us, formerly avid users of Comodo (the firewall, assuming that’s the context here), have ditched it over the last few months in favor of something else – in my case, the PC Tools firewall. Between its getting onto the bloatware “bandwagon”, and the recent scandal involving their in effect whitelisting highly dubious sites, Comodo’s reputation has dropped sharply lately. And I wouldn’t at all be surprised to learn sometime in the relatively near future that they’ve committed corporate suicide in the process, and won’t be around any more.