Web browsing issues

All of a sudden within the last month I’ve had trouble accessing certian webpages and finally traced the problem to avast, and these problems occour on well known sites such as eBay. Also Avast is showing me that several shields are not enabled and will not enable them. I’ve never had any problems in the past and have changed no settings what so ever in the multiple years I have used avast.

For example when I go to my eBay on eBay.com it will display a page like this:
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=MExZQU9qNTBvTXpKSTBXT1g2RktqQzU4OUlLWWc5V2JKTTh4MVlzS3plczIvaDd5R1d4cng1ejliMTA0QklNazBIUE5CS1pEN2wzQjYxQkdCMTd6aGxjYkRJUkpoZGlEZTF1U0dwSko4WmFvY1M1UWJyTGsvek5Qd2g4ZVR0WG5VaStSNmpaY0hvWVoyVCtiQjREbkJvQWNtRjlQMFczeFdCTTRmTXVQVEdCd05ZQzNkNFBZa1N4UDhHTTI5bE1ld0Z3cG5abXA4ZWpDd2xXeHRLRVNXYzFxeDNoL29JbW9WbG4rbTdHVGJQMTRiYXMvTVhubUtUMTlMU3dYOUk5WHF0OE11YkYvL2hrWG9ZWkxCSkk4SHc9PS0tUmpHOEJienNuazBzK3R0RmMyamV1QT09–907f2dcecdf08b3a8979e09aa0aa52e9891dab32; path=/; HttpOnly
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.4-14+deb7u5


You are being redirected. 0

And when i turn off all shields I can access the page no problem. I have tried to update and reboot and it stops on “Step 1/3 Initializing, please wait…” It also says Warning: Reboot required and will not go away with a reboot.

Has anyone else encountered a problem like this? Should I reinstall or change antiviruses?

Also I just tried unistalling after reboot and it told me restart is required before I can unistall am I really going to need to boot up into pendrive linux just to delete my antivirus?

Here is the log I can view for the error while unistalling:

22:30:45Infoinstcont[1628,5184]2014/10/28 22:30:45 START: Avast installer/updater
22:30:45Infoinstup[1628,5184]Command: ‘“C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\Setup\Instup.exe” /control_panel /instop:uninstall’
22:30:45Infoinstup[1628,5184]CPU: AMD FX™-8350 Eight-Core Processor ,8
22:30:45Infoinstup[1628,5184]OS: Windows 7 SP1 x64
22:30:45Infoinstup[1628,5184]Memory: 13% load. Phys:4194303/4194303K free, Page:4194303/4194303K free, Virt:4094288/4194176K free
22:30:45Infoinstup[1628,5184]DISKs: C:\ - 9GB free / 119GB total
22:30:45Infoinstup[1628,5184]DISKs: D:\ - 619GB free / 1863GB total
22:30:45Infoinstup[1628,5184]DISKs: E:\ - 68GB free / 931GB total
22:30:51Infoinstup[1628,5184]Running module version: instup.exe - ‘9.0.2021.515’
22:30:51Infoinstup[1628,5184]Running module version: Instup.dll - ‘9.0.2021.531’
22:30:51Infosimutex[1628,5184]Checking for the mutex ownership.
22:30:51Infosimutex[1628,5184]The mutex is signaled. We are owners of the mutex.
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Loading product state
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Guid = 49ca5dea-0556-4fe2-a417-37383eb98d54, Created = unknown
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Persistent Guid = 49ca5dea-0556-4fe2-a417-37383eb98d54, Created = unknown
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]ProductId = ais
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Edition = 1
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Load part info: product.parts.current
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Part ‘iex’ = ‘iex’, 1 (0x00000001), 03:31:26 03.10.2014
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Part ‘jrog2’ = ‘jrog2’, 2964 (0x00000B94), 03:31:26 03.10.2014
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Part ‘program’ = ‘prg_ais’, 2021 (0x000007E5), 12:56:26 26.06.2014
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Part ‘setup’ = ‘setup_ais’, 2021 (0x000007E5), unknown
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Part ‘vps’ = ‘vps_win32’, 336593664 (0x14100300), 03:31:27 03.10.2014
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Load part info: product.parts.latest
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Part ‘iex’ = ‘iex’, 1 (0x00000001), 03:31:26 03.10.2014
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Part ‘jrog2’ = ‘jrog2’, 2964 (0x00000B94), 03:31:26 03.10.2014
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Part ‘program’ = ‘prg_ais’, 2021 (0x000007E5), 12:56:26 26.06.2014
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Part ‘setup’ = ‘setup_ais’, 2021 (0x000007E5), 12:56:26 26.06.2014
22:30:51Infoproductstate[1628,5184]Part ‘vps’ = ‘vps_win32’, 336593664 (0x14100300), 03:31:27 03.10.2014
22:30:51Inforegistry[1628,5184]BackupFileToRegistry: file ‘C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\setup\setup.ini’ was successfully backed up to value ‘SetupIniBackup’.
22:30:51Infopartinfo[1628,5184]SetInstalled: Part package part-iex-1.vpx is installed.
22:30:51Infopartinfo[1628,5184]SetInstalled: Part package part-jrog2-b94.vpx is installed.
22:30:51Infopartinfo[1628,5184]SetInstalled: Part package part-prg_ais-7e5.vpx is installed.
22:30:51Infopartinfo[1628,5184]SetInstalled: Part package part-setup_ais-7e5.vpx is installed.
22:30:51Infopartinfo[1628,5184]SetInstalled: Part package part-vps_win32-14100300.vpx is installed.
22:30:51Infoinstupcore[1628,5184]PkgLoadProductInfo: product GPB was successfully loaded.
22:30:51Infoinstup[1628,5184]Loading Proxy settings
22:30:51Infoinstup[1628,5184]Proxy-Type: ‘no proxy’
22:30:51Infoinstup[1628,5184]Proxy-Authorization: ‘no authentication’
22:30:51Infoinstup[1628,5184]Proxy-Port: ‘8080’
22:30:51Infoinstup[1628,5184]Proxy-Name: ‘’
22:30:51Infoinstup[1628,5184]Proxy-User: ‘’
22:30:51Infoinstup[1628,5184]Proxy-Pass: ‘???’
22:30:51Infoguiwizard[1628,5184]Running module version: HTMLayout.dll - ‘’
22:30:51Infoguiwizard[1628,5184]Loaded module version: C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\Setup\HTMLayout.dll - ‘’
22:30:51Infoguiwizard[1628,5184]Setup gui was successfully started.
22:31:00Infoinstupcore[1628,5184]Product uninstallation has started.

Hi static1777,

Yes, reboot. Then get this file to ensure all remnants of avast are really gone: http://www.avast.com/en-us/uninstall-utility Ensure this file is on your desktop. When you double-click it, it will ask if you want to reboot to Safe Mode. Click yes.
Your system should reboot to safe mode. Double check to ensure that this file is pointed only to this folder: C:>Program Files>Avast Software. Run this file then and when it completes, reboot again.

If you’ve ever had other antivirus programs installed/removed then see this link to remove any left-overs from those old programs. Once these remnants have been removed, avast should install cleanly without issues.