Web page and soft ware was blocked for false reason! Check it again and unblocke


WebSite hxxp://www.ForexSovetnik.ru administration report. Your company have block your website for dangerous software. We want to object this fact. Our soft ware is safe to use and don’t contains any viruses. Probably it’s because of DLL protection build in the program. We can send you all our programs to check for viruses.
Please, check our webpage again and unblock out web page as soon as possible.

Next time check what you blocked!!!

Yesterday I write to support but noone answer to me!!!

Zulu URL Risk Analyzer - Suspicious

urlQuery - Suspicious

But it’s normal webpage without any pop up and spam windows. I want to That is really supped block webpage on because it’s seems suspicious for you. If you block webpage please check it before do it! Course people will stop use your antivirisuses program if to continue do it. If you not sure first check and than marked it as dangerous.
Kaspersky antivirus company did it. So I had to switch off your program and advise all our client to delete it course you are not cheeking what you are doing.

thanks for info. The reason of this block wasn’t your site at all. It was problem with hosting IP. We detected alert from one of site hosted on same IP and unfortunately we decide to block whole IP.
It will be fixed in next VPS update.

Thank you for your answer

What is it VPS update and when it will be?

The current VPS is 120314-0, which was released before Sirmer’s post, so hopefully it will be in VPS 120314-1 later today.