Web page translator in Avast Secure Browser

Dobrý den.

Proč nefunguje ve Vašem prohlížeči Avast Secure Browser překlad webových stránek (kliknutím právého tlačítka myši a následně přeložit do jazyka…) ? Je to dobrý prohlížeč. Bylo by dobré kdyby překladač fungoval.

Děkuji za reakci.

S pozdravem
Hangár 77

Please post English here, else use the forum section for your language.

Good day.

Why can’t I translate a website in a foreign language in Avast’s secure browser?

If I right click on a web page in the Avast Browser that is in a foreign language and then choose the option: translate to …

Avast Secure Browser reports that: This page could not be translated.

I tried to translate several dozen different websites. But none could be translated into my language.

Why does it not work?

Thank you


Hello Hangár-One,

I am sorry for inconvenience.

We are aware of problem with translations and are are currently working on solving the issue. The problem is that we recently started to hit daily API limits for translations. We are currently negotiating to increase the limits.

Please try the translation again, most preferably few times in a few days. If it does not work at all, please share your Diagnostic Information (secure://settings/diagnosticInfo) and we will try to investigate your issue further.

You could try the following extension.





Translate is still not working. Only sometimes. Mostly during the day. But at night the translation doesn’t work.

Thanks bob3160.
It is safe?

Hi Hangár-One,

The ImTranslator extension is safe to use, you can try the bob3160 suggestion.
Unfortunately we’re still working on translation problem on our side.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

I would never suggest anything unless it’s safe and something
I’m using myself. :slight_smile: