Web pages for IE9 and Firefox 4.01 not loading after update to avast! 6.0.1125

Hi there.

Anyone of you encountered this problem with avast! free version 6.0.1125?

I updated avast! to the latest version 6.0.1125 and both IE9 and Firefox 4.0.1 were unable to load any web pages. So I disable the WebShield and now both IE9 & Firefox 4.0.1 can load web pages.


OS: Windows 7 Home Premium SP1
ACER Aspire 4730G


What is your firewall ? and does it allow webshield through ?

Moi j’ai un problème depuis la mise à jour 6. je ne peux plus ouvrir ma messagerie Thunderbird le mot de passe est refusé, il faut que je désactive Avast pour que TH accepte mon mot de passe
Que faire?

Adding to essexboy’s post, is avastsvc.exe service allowed through the firewall?

In Avast, go to “Settings”, “Troubleshooting” and enable “Load Avast services only after other…”.

That should fix the problem.


Thank you essexboy, nmb, Zyndstoff. You are right. I didn’t notice that avastsvc.exe was blocked by McAfee Internet Security Suite. I enabled avastsvc.exe and then enabled the Avast! WebShield - now both IE9 and Firefox work fine. :slight_smile:

You are running 2 resident AVs together? McAfee & Avast? Hope not - or trouble is ahead for sure.

Not for long as my McAfee license is expiring soon. That is the reason I am trying the avast! Free as recommended by friend. Thank you for your concern. :slight_smile:

You shouldn’t try two scanners running side by side.
That is bound to produce errors and problems.

Also, when removing McAfee, make sure to use their MCPR: CLICK! (McAfee Consumer Products Removal tool).


Have fun