Until today Google Search in my Firefox browser had slowed from displaying results almost instantly, to taking upwards of 15-20 seconds, sometimes longer. Googling (Slowly) the problem revealed that many other Avast users were experiencing the same and one suggestion was disabling the Web Reputation Add On. I did this and that immediately solved the problem. Anyone else had the same?
I can’t say that on the PC I have here there was any really significant reduction in speed when I was running Avast with all of the default modules, however carrying out the additional checks required for web reputation does require additional computer “work” and might be much more obvious on PC with less grunt, or one that is not kept reasonably optimised. If you read through the various threads in this forum you will see that a number of us have opted to not install the AOS browser add ons, as for us, the various issues with them out way the benefits.