Every time the Web Scanner is running, I get Connection Reset.
I’m running Avast! Home 4.8, have virus database update: 090716-0,07/16
If Web Scanner is paused, connection is still reset.
I’m running default Avast settings and this is the first computer I’ve had the problem with, I have 8 computers with Avast on them.
Which is your firewall?
Which browser are you using?
At home?
Do you use avast WHS?
I’m running Windows Firewall.
Browsers: Internet Explorer 7.0, Google Chrome
Yes they are at home, 2 desktop computers (Mine and my moms), 6 Laptops (Mine, My Mom’s, 3 cousins, and my brothers).
I’m the only tech in the family, so I have one license that I have control of so when it updates I can just send them the new code since they have problems just checking their email.
No, I do not use Avast! WHS.
What is exactly connection reset here? By the way, how do you connect? Dial-up, DSL, PPPoE.
I connect by cable.
and thats weird, everything seems to be working now.
I’ll have to test it out at the college when I go back in the morning because thats where the problem accord at the first time.
Gremlins ;D
ok, im back at the college, and I had to disable the web shield because it wouldn’t let me on.
Could it be some protection they have on their network that is messing with the Avast web scanner?
Are you using the same computer in home and at in college?
I think the change of the network (home to college) won’t affect the computer installation.
If you’re not at the same computer, well, you need to solve the problem at the college only (maybe firewall, maybe another security program).
I just started having the exact same problem this afternoon. The localhost starts refusing connections and I have to bypass the proxy in order to access the internet. Webshield will just freeze and/or stop filtering stuff and then the connection is reset.
Which is your browser? Firefox 3.5.1 seems to correct some connnections troubles.
All of my browsers had the same problem - Opera, IE, FF. I removed the firewall rule for the webshield and let it recreate a new one. So far, so good.
Sometimes, firewall glitches let us enter in this situation. You’ve found the solution
Are you using the same computer in home and at in college?
I think the change of the network (home to college) won’t affect the computer installation.
If you’re not at the same computer, well, you need to solve the problem at the college only (maybe firewall, maybe another security program).
Yes im using the same computer in home and at the college.
I think its a proxy issue and they way they have the DNS setup as I have two IPs when I’m connected at the college.
Yes im using the same computer in home and at the college.
I think its a proxy issue and they way they have the DNS setup as I have two IPs when I’m connected at the college.
Try OpenDNS - http://www.opendns.com
Well, that’s funny. I just posted a similar thread with the same issue, and I’m also running Avast! Home 4.8, connecting via cable: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=46937.0
I set up Avast 4.8 on my wife’s computer and all has been well for the past six month’s until the past few days. She suddenly could not connect.
I opened up the rule based firewall (Kerio 2.15) and discovered that while I had restricted the Avast web scanner to connect to the usual outbound ports (1024-4999), the Avast Web Scanner was now suddenly requesting access to higher ports as well as to port 443 to use Firefox. So what changed this past week? Was this a change in the Avast web scanner, a change caused by a Microsoft update of this past week, or the update to Firefox version 3.5.1? Those are the only things I can imagine that might have caused the change.
Is this correct and do I now have to allow outbound access to all ports? Thanks.
What’s strange is that I then set up two sequential firewall rules, the first with the original outbound port range (1024-4999) and a second rule with open ended ports, set to alert. The next day, all went back to normal again for a day (no alerts), and then back again to the need to use higher ports to connect (continual alerts). So what gives?
If a few people have the same issue as the same moment, we’re not all using the same firewall or the same browser, so I’d rule those out. It seems like it can either be an Avast Web Scanner issue or due to an MS update.