I’ve installed AMS on an Android 2.3.6 device and has been working ok.
But I’ve noticed that on my account page it’s showing the indication “Security Status: Unsecured”. I’ve been browsing the hole site searching for some kind of additional info that could related to this overall status but can’t find anything.
I think this is more likely to be something with the my.avast.com site rather than the device as my Galaxy Nexus is reported as Status Unknown and my XP Pro and Win7 systems are reported as Unsecured, when all three are running and Secured.
I’m still having this “issue”. I do have reservations calling it an issue because from a function only point of view Avast seems to be working OK, only the “Security Status” on the web portal appears as UNSECURED.
I’ve attached an image to better ilustrate what I’m reporting.
Just read on another thread what is causing this issue.
I have disabled in Module Control the option to scan all programs on execute, this causes the webpage to display an unsecured status without stating what is unsecured.
Acording to the Avast team this will be addressed in a future release so the information is available on the webpage.