Web shield and AVG LinkScanner conflict

Will using AVG LinkScanner with avast! web-shield and network shield have any known conflicts?

no, but they don’t do the same thing at all, so they cannot conflict. Remains why you want to run AVG linkscanner at all…it’s not very reliable. Like other similar utilities, it relies more on users reports than actual analysis of web sites.

AVG linkscanner won’t increase your protection imho. It’s not a well written tool imho.

Hi :slight_smile:

I’m using WOT - Web Of Trust : http://www.mywot.com/

Find it much better than AVG or McAffee ::slight_smile:

WOT is available for… Internet Explorer - Firefox - Chrome 8)


I beg to differ.

What do you expect on an AVG-page?

Something like “Use our product, it’s not the best and has it’s weakpoints, but use it anyway”…? ;D

I don’t say it’s no good, I don’t know it - but the products own homepage is no reliable source for assassment. That is reue for any product. You don’t go to a Chevy dealer and expect him to recommend a Ford…
If you like it, if it makes you feel better - use it. As stated above, it will not interfere with Avast5. (…the linkscanner, not the Ford…)

I only wanted to clear the fact that it does not rely on user reports only, as the other guy said.

Linkscanner wont install if you have Avast IS installed (the avg installer aborts with the usual conflict warning) .I dont know if that is the case with the pro too?

Oh really?
How do you know that? Have you tried it?
Well, I used to run both programmes and they did conflict (avast’s web shield and linkscanner)! When browsing I experienced intermittent disconnections which were driving me mad. Initially I thought it was my ISP’s fault. But it wasn’t - after some troubleshooting I realized that there was a conflict between the aforementioned products.

Running two HTTP proxies at the same time is not a good idea, it seems.

If you want avg link scanner doesn’t that mean that you should install avg also ???
Then if you install avg it will mean that you have two avs installed in your system , right?
Are people recommending to have only one av one computer ???

Linkscanner is also available as a standalone product, thus, you don’t need to install avg’s av to take advantage of linkscanner’s capabilities.

Oh I see :slight_smile: